


Supporting mission-driven organizations

Mission-driven organizations like non-profits may not have the time or capacity to dedicate to collecting, managing, analyzing, and visualizing data. Empact Solutions has worked with non-profits that work to reform justice systems to create systems for collecting or managing data, building relationships with entities that have the data, and then creating meaningful analyses that guide recommendations for policy, practice, or process.


Monthly Detention Survey

Empact Solutions partners with the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) to survey youth jus­tice agen­cies to report on youth deten­tion trends. It cap­tures data in close to real time from a large group of juris­dic­tions that spans all regions of the Unit­ed States and ranges from large urban coun­ties to small rur­al courts.

Solitary Confinement

Legislation Tracking

As part of a national campaign to end the use of solitary confinement within the justice system, Unlock the Box collects and stores legislation data in multiple spreadsheets. They needed a way to more efficiently analyze this data and make it accessible to different end-users.

Law enforcement Diversion

Law Enforcement Data Analysis

The Center for Children’s Law and Policy (CCLP) works closely with local youth justice agencies to help them expand and enhance diversion opportunities. Empact worked with CCLP to navigate relationships with data management professionals, obtain meaningful data to identify potential areas for change, and develop recommendations for implementing diversion.

Behavioral health & Youth justice

Behavioral Health Monitoring Tool

Empact Solutions partners with a large university to identify and address gaps in the cascade of substance use care for youth involved in the youth justice system.

"When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Casey Foundation asked for the impossible: a first-of-its-kind monthly survey of youth detention populations, drawn from well over 100 jurisdictions covering a third of the nation’s youth population. With the help of Empact Solutions, the survey went from concept to initial release in less than two weeks; and from a stand-alone survey to a sustainable, insight-rich database within a few months. The Monthly Detention Survey would not have happened without the creativity, responsiveness, and dedication of the team at Empact Solutions. They are the partner we needed to do the impossible!"
Tom woods
Senior Associate, Annie E. Casey Foundation