Multi-Site Detention Trends

JDAI Monthly Detention Survey

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Empact Solutions partnered with the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) to survey youth jus­tice agen­cies to report on youth deten­tion trends. The sur­vey is unique because it cap­tures data in close to real time from a large group of juris­dic­tions that spans all regions of the Unit­ed States, and ranges from large urban coun­ties to small rur­al courts. 

In a typ­i­cal month, the survey includes more than 150 juris­dic­tions in more than 30 states. AECF supported the distribution of the survey via a sophisticated survey instrument, the capture of the data consistently and in a stable, well-organized format, and then the reporting of the data back to the participants on a monthly basis in a visually useful manner. 

How we helped:
  • Quickly established a system to collect the data and report the data back to participants in the form of more than 150 customized Tableau dashboards 
  • Worked with a partner to design and develop a database solution to store and manage the survey data
  • Evolved the survey at pace with the changing state of the pandemic and the needs of the participants
  • Allowed agencies that might not have the capacity to analyze and visualize detention data on a monthly basis
  • Increased the availability of detention data to the Foundation for their decision making
  • Contributed to the national understanding of detention trends as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Executive | State Administrator | Local Administrator


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